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5 Lawn Care Myths Debunked

5 Lawn Care Myths Debunked

Nothing beats a nice yard for your kids and pets to romp and play in. But yard maintenance isn’t always easy, especially if you’re new to the task. There are so many unfounded myths about lawn care, it can be difficult to know what advice to trust.

With that in mind, we’ve debunked five of the most common myths about lawn maintenance so you can enjoy a greener, healthier lawn.

1. Cutting grass shorter means less mowing. 

Cutting grass blades too short reduces the amount of energy they can produce and store. This leads to nutrient deprivation, weakens grass and welcomes weed invasion. For best results, keep your grass at a minimum of 3 inches high throughout the growing season.

2. Grass should be watered every day.

You’ll probably need to water your lawn on a regular basis, but watering it every day can over saturate the soil. This results in shallow, disease-prone roots. Try watering your yard thoroughly once or twice a week.

3. Pulling weeds by hand is the best method.

Removing isolated weeds by hand can be effective, especially if their roots aren’t well established. But if you don’t pull the entire root, new weeds will quickly resurface. For well-established weeds, use a weed removal tool such as a hand trowel or hoe.

4. Fallen leaves smother grass. 

A thick layer of leaves will eventually deprive your grass of sunlight and nutrients. But a steady supply of decomposing leaves actually benefits your soil. Rather than obsess over leaf removal, you can mow over leaves and allow them to disintegrate naturally.

5. Spiked shoes can be used to aerate compacted soil.

Spiked shoes will poke a few holes in the ground, but they aren’t an effective aeration tool and can further compact soil. To ensure that grass roots aren’t suffocated by compacted soil, use a proper aeration tool or hire a lawn care professional.

For more helpful home and lawn maintenance tips, contact us today.

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